Before You Start Part 2: Ten Step Practice Strategy for Mastery!

The strategy with which you approach practicing triads with the help of this course is going to make all the difference in how fast you master them!

If mastery is being able to play all of these triads by yourself, in time with no visual reference at all, here are what I see as the 10 steps to get there.....

Watch the video and download/print the checklist below it:

Here is the 10 step checklist that you can print out for each chord!

10 step triad triumph checklist v2.pdf

Here is a link to the Transpose Google Chrome extension that I suggest you use with these videos to slow or speed up by one percentage point at a time and to loop segments, or the entire video:

And here is a video I found that will give you some tips on how to install and use it:

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